Older and Wiser?

DrColler Faith

Here’s another sobering question (I tend to think of heavy questions, don’t I?): Do you think that wisdom NECESSARILY increases as we get older?

I mean, just because you have aged another decade, are you actually wiser than you were 10 years ago?

Yes, ideally, the older we are, the more experiences we have, the more knowledgable and wise we should become.

However, I think it is by no means guaranteed.

In fact, it seems that many people decide to pick up burdens that God never intended them to carry early on in their lives. And then, after years of dragging it around, they think it has become a badge of wisdom and honor.

But, in God’s eyes, it has actually been foolishness.

Yikes! Kind of a tragedy, huh?

I would say that wisdom is fearing God and seeing the world rightly. It means not being hindered by the fears and cares of the world and instead, heeding God’s voice and being obedient to His Word.

I have known people both older AND younger than myself whom I looked up to for their superior wisdom.

But I have also known people younger AND older, whom I wouldn’t go to for advice on anything.

Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that simply because we are getting older or have carried a burden around for a long time that that is actually benefitting us and increasing our wisdom.

Instead, “let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” so that we may truly be wise, strong, courageous and bold.