Another Piece of Financial Wisdom

DrColler Productivity

I’m not necessarily a financial genius by any means, but I want to offer a second piece of financial advice that has resulted in a lot less stress and more peace with regard to my material possessions.

This one is also very simple, but sometimes it is the simple things that make the most lasting impact, right?

So, the last nugget of wisdom was: “assume that everything costs more.”

Today’s nugget is: “If you are going to be unusually upset or angry if something you are going to buy gets damaged, lost or stolen, you might want to reevaluate buying it.”

Now, I like nice things as much as the next person. And I’ve actually had to grow and mature a lot in this area – and I still am. But I’ve come to really appreciate the blissful feeling of just not caring that much if my stuff gets broken or damaged.

Again, my wife will tell you that I’m not 100% in this area, but I know that I’m better than I was.

I think having children has helped. 🙂 They tend to force you into a position where you choose between loving them or loving your things.

For example, I’ve got more dings on my car than ever before. Our brand new kitchen floor somehow got a huge scratch within a week. My boy practiced his beaver-impersonation on our nice, wooden entertainment center as soon as he was semi-mobile and had 2 teeth. And the list goes on.

I’m sure you know what I mean.

There’s a good reason that Jesus tells not to put our hope and joy in material things that ‘moth and [children] destroy,’ and ‘thieves break in and steal.’ Instead, we should ‘store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven. For where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also.’ (Matt 6:19-24)

The more attached to material things we are, the more apt we are to be controlled by them.

That’s a bad place to be.