Are You a Salt-a-Holic?

DrColler Dementia

I think most of us enjoy a little salt in our diet. I definitely do.

Since there is so much already added to most of our foods in the US, we rarely need to add any more to get our dietary needs met.

But what if you really like salt? Is it that bad?

Most of us have heard about eating a salt-restricted diet if you have high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, or other cardiac-related health concerns. But if your blood pressure and heart are ok, is it ok to then add salt to everything?

This study on the effects of high dietary intake of salt in mice revealed some shocking results.

In short, it found that high salt intake in mice led to neurologic decline in those with a certain protein associated with Alzheimers!

It looks like you can accelerate a mouse’s dementia by loading it with salt! Uh oh.

The implication is that maybe it does matter how much salt we’re eating!

So, if you are a salt-a-holic, just keep the mice in mind (no pun intended). It might be a good idea to wean back a bit for the sake of your future self’s cognitive abilities!