how to notice God

How to Notice God

DrColler Faith

I want to finish up this series of posts about focus/attention by circling back to my original idea of writing down those important, God-moments in your life.

Honestly, they probably happen a lot more than we think. But sometimes we are more apt to notice them because of our frame of mind.

How can we maintain a frame of mind that notices when God moves in our lives?

As I suggested yesterday, I think it starts by keeping ourselves in the Word.

When you read the stories of the Bible and have them in the forefront of your mind, you develop an anticipation of God’s involvement in your life.

When you see how He moves both subtly and sometimes dramatically, you stop putting Him in a box.

I’ve had seasons where I was reading regularly and others when I wasn’t. There is no guilt or shame if you aren’t reading. Sometimes it can be a difficult thing to do. But I can say from my own experience that I am much more alert to the reality of God in my life when I do.

The second thing that is critical is talking with God.

When you dialog with God throughout your day, you reinforce the expectation of seeing Him move.

Sometimes He’ll alert you to something that you missed. Sometimes He’ll give you a new idea. Sometimes He’ll calm your fear and anxiety. Sometimes He’ll direct you to the perfect bike for your daughter! (As I wrote in a previous post).

I’m telling you, as we get God’s Word in our hearts and begin to talk with Him throughout the day, things will change. Guaranteed.

And there is nothing more thrilling than seeing the evidence of God in your life.

Are you in? I’m in.