how to notice God

How to Notice God

DrColler Faith

I want to finish up this series of posts about focus/attention by circling back to my original idea of writing down those important, God-moments in your life. Honestly, they probably happen a lot more than we think. But sometimes we are more apt to notice them because of our frame …

how can you know what's important

How Can You Know What’s Important?

DrColler Faith

In the last post, we discussed the declining ability of modern folks to be able to control their focus and attention. It’s kind of a scary thing. There are so many distractions! I believe that a large part of the problem is that we are losing the wisdom to know …

King Asa & The Physicians: Part 2

DrColler Bible, Faith

Yesterday, I introduced the story of King Asa of Judah and how, when he turned the nation back to the Lord, they enjoyed a peace that had been quite scarce in the land. However, as is too often the case, he gets comfortable and starts to forget that the Lord …

King Asa & The Physicians

DrColler Bible, Faith

The Old Testament history books of Kings and Chronicles are full of really interesting and peculiar stories. They follow the history of the Hebrew people after the time of King David – the building of the Temple, and how the kingdom was divided between Judah and Israel. The primary way …

Does the Father Speak?

DrColler Faith

You know how there are “red-letter” Bibles where the words of Jesus are printed in red? When you flip through the New Testament you can easily see how much Jesus has to say. It’s kinda neat. Years ago I wondered how much God the Father had to say. So as …

The Matthew Principle: Part 2

DrColler Faith

Yesterday, I wrote about the “Matthew Principle” based on Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 25:29 where he says: “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” We typically think of this in terms …

The Matthew Principle: Part 1

DrColler Faith

Have you ever heard of the “Matthew Principle” or “Matthew Effect?” Jesus says something kind of alarming in Matthew 25:29 – “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” What do we …