our food philosophy - part 3

Our Food Philosophy – Part 3

DrColler Diet

Here we are, part 3 in our series on “Our Food Philosophy.” We’ve covered the importance of having a thankful attitude, no matter what you’re eating. Next, we looked at having color and diversity in the diet to ensure a broad range of nutrients. Today, we’re going to end with …

our food philosophy

Our Food Philosophy

DrColler Diet, Faith

Over the previous few posts, we’ve looked at the Beverage Guidelines for Children and addressed some questions about milk. You may have noticed that I have intentionally not been explicit or dogmatic about my opinions. This might disappoint some, but with controversial issues, I think it is wise to hold …

Food-Guide Pyramid: Bad

DrColler Diet

Do you remember this notorious pyramid? I remember learning about it in school. Turns out, it wasn’t a great idea. Building a diet upon a foundation of carbs and starches seems to have led us exactly down the road we were trying to avoid. More diabetes and heart disease than …

Sugar Drinks… yummy!

DrColler Dementia, Diet

Yes, sugar drinks are yummy… but pretty dangerous. I know we all know this, but it’s so important that we keep it forefront in our minds. Check out this article… “Sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) intake has consistently been associated with increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hypertension …