how to notice God

How to Notice God

DrColler Faith

I want to finish up this series of posts about focus/attention by circling back to my original idea of writing down those important, God-moments in your life. Honestly, they probably happen a lot more than we think. But sometimes we are more apt to notice them because of our frame …

how can you know what's important

How Can You Know What’s Important?

DrColler Faith

In the last post, we discussed the declining ability of modern folks to be able to control their focus and attention. It’s kind of a scary thing. There are so many distractions! I believe that a large part of the problem is that we are losing the wisdom to know …

Are you paying attention?

Are You Paying Attention?

DrColler Productivity

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of writing down the significant events in your life – those moments when you cannot deny God’s hand was involved. It got me thinking about something I’ve seen in my own life: sometimes I’m a better noticer than at other times. That is, sometimes …