how to notice God

How to Notice God

DrColler Faith

I want to finish up this series of posts about focus/attention by circling back to my original idea of writing down those important, God-moments in your life. Honestly, they probably happen a lot more than we think. But sometimes we are more apt to notice them because of our frame …

A Truly Life-Enriching Habit

DrColler Faith

Just about 15 years ago I had heard a series of messages on the value of journaling. To many, ‘keeping a journal’ is what middle school girls might do as they gush their emotions over their latest crush. Which is, no doubt, a form of journaling. However, I was encouraged …

Unexpected Answers

DrColler Faith

One of my favorite musicians is Jason Upton. I still remember the first time I heard one of his songs. My brother had put on a CD for background noise while we worked on a project, and I was immediately drawn to it. “Who is this??” I asked. “Jason Upton.” …