The Matthew Principle: Part 1

DrColler Faith

Have you ever heard of the “Matthew Principle” or “Matthew Effect?”

Jesus says something kind of alarming in Matthew 25:29 –

“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”

What do we do with that?? That doesn’t seem right.

But it actually is. In fact, it’s a ‘natural principle’ that can readily be observed.

And it applies in many areas of life.

It basically means that you build momentum in life – and also that the hardest part of changing is getting started.

For example, if you have absolutely no money, it is really hard to start making money. But if you have even a little, and if you are wise it, as time passes you will likely increase your earnings and wealth.

But it also means that if you have money, but are unwise with it, it will quickly vanish altogether.

I think this applies to our health as well.

I’ll explain a little more what I mean about this tomorrow.

But for now, think about that verse. It’s kind of shocking, isn’t it? I know that I’d like to be in the former camp, and not the latter!

What about you?