What is Leaky Gut: Part 3

DrColler Functional Medicine

The previous 2 posts have defined ‘leaky gut’ and laid out some of the symptoms and conditions that have been associated with poor digestive health.

But how do we figure it out? How do we determine if you have gut health problems?

Well, first, we talk about it. 🙂

We review your history, symptoms, medication use, and such.

If your story is concerning for digestive inflammation or leaky gut tendencies, then we may decide to do some testing.

Most commonly, we would do a food sensitivity blood test and possibly a digestive stool analysis.

These tests tell us how your immune system is responding to foods, and also gives us clues as to where we may need to direct therapy.

I’ve worked with many patients who have various health concerns that ended up tying back to their gut.

I have been amazed over and over again at the remarkable changes that people experience in their health once we address these underlying issues.

If you are interested in talking about this with me, remember that I am available online! I’m here to help you. Just schedule an online visit and we can figure out the right steps for you to take toward improving your health.